
Don’t Mess With Texas Y’all!

I just spent three days in the glorious state of Texas last week visiting one of our favorite clients and meeting with a few of our consulting partners. While those meetings were all successful and I’m glad I had a chance to reconnect with everyone, what made my journey to Lubbock and Houston most memorable, simply put, was the people…

I’ve never been called “sir” more often in my life, and I’m quite confident that I don’t deserve it any more now than I ever have before. And as silly as it sounds, it’s so uplifting to be walking through the “corporate halls” at our client’s hospital facility with the Vice President of Human Resources and have everyone ask, “How y’all doin?” with a big smile on their face.  

Even the rental car shuttle driver at the Houston airport said, “Thank you for riding with me, and have a blessed day!” as she dropped us off.  And I’m confident her statement wasn’t offered because of the $1 tip I chose to give her in return – not something I typically do on a rental car shuttle by the way… I simply experienced it as par for the course in Texas to be uber-cordial (based on Los Angeleno-standards) and extend well wishes to all as if they were your neighbors.

Nickelback wrote a beautiful song a few years ago called “If Everyone Cared”. Well, at least in Texas, it sure seems like they got the message and do! Maybe all y’all will too. J

Posted in caring, Compassion, customer service, gratitude, hospitality, hospitals, Houston, Lubbock, Nickelback, people, Texas Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , ,

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