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Eight Points on What It Takes To Be CEO Straight from a Successful CEO!

One of my key lessons learned about being a CEO and small business owner comes from Chris Gardner, author of the book and subject of the Will Smith movie “Pursuit of Happyness”. In a reception of Inc award winners a

Posted in CEO, Chris Gardner, Coaching, Executive Assistant, Executive Coaching, Leadership, Lessons Learned, Next-Generation Leader, Pursuit of Happyness, success, Vistage, Will Smith Tagged with: , , ,

Going Where There is No Path: Entrepreneurship Defined by Ralph Waldo Emerson

I don’t know what it was about Ralph Waldo Emerson’s writing that struck a chord with me when I was first introduced to it in high school. I just remember he, and others like him including Henry David Thoreau, had

Posted in Chris Gardner, Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurial, Entrepreneurship, Henry David Thoreau, Innovation, Leadership, Pioneer, Pioneering, Pursuit of Happyness, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Trailblazing

Hello, My Name is Jeremy, and I’m an Entrepreneur

It took me a long time to be able to say that with a straight face and level of conviction that it really meant something. I started my own business – a management consulting firm called Plus Delta Consulting –

Posted in Chris Gardner, Entrepreneur,, Entrepreneur's Organization, Entrepreneurship, Geoff Bellman, Harriet Rubin,, Kauffman Foundation, Pursuit of Happyness, Vistage International, Will Smith

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