
Ron McMillan Shares How To ‘Change Anything’ at ACMP Global Conference in Orlando, Florida

A couple weeks ago, several of Plus Delta’s team members attended the inaugural Association of Change Management Professionals (ACMP) Global Conference in Orlando, Florida.  When I arrived at the conference, I expected to hear internal change agents from some leading companies tell us about their great successes managing change in their organizations.  I even expected a bunch of external  consultants to tell us about their proven models for managing change.  What I didn’t expect was for someone to tell us how we can “change anything” by learning how to systemically influence others.

“The most important capacity you possess is the ability to influence behavior – that of yourself or others.”

In his recently released book Change Anything: The New Science of Personal Success, Ron McMillan, author of previous best-sellers like Crucial Conversations, shares his research on influence and some of the greatest influencers in the world – almost all of whom appear to have studied with Albert Bandura.  The process he developed centers upon establishing specific, measurable results for your change efforts. Then, McMillan says to focus on identifying the few most vital behaviors that when routinely enacted will produce those intended results.  Finally, to influence a persistent problem, McMillan offers six different sources of influence that can be drawn upon.  The following video clip provides an overview of McMillan’s influence process.

McMillan also describes the six sources of influence that change management professionals need to be aware of and can leverage in their organizational change efforts.  They are based on the Personal, Social, and Structural Motivations and Abilities of every individual.  Click on the video below to learn more about each of these six sources of influence and find out how you can increase the likelihood of success for your changes efforts tenfold!

ACMP Glogal Conference

Posted in Change management, Influence, organizational change, Personal Success, Ron McMillan

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